Caldwell Gantries
Model H90 Steel - Fixed Height
Product Features
Adjustable span standard on 10’-16’ spans through 5 ton.
Bolted connections on spans of 20’-24’ and all 8 ton units.
Heavy duty supported leg design.
Balanced design allows for easy rolling, even under load.
Conforms to AISC, OSHA, and CMAA specifications.
Simple bolt together construction.
Easy setup and maintenance.
4 - steel swivel casters standard.
Assembly instructions provided.
For our optional gantry crane features, please see page H.15.
Model K90 Steel - Adjustable Height
Product Features
Adjustable span standard on 10’-16’ spans through 5 ton.
Bolted connections on spans of 20’-24’ and all 8 ton units.
Heavy duty supported leg design.
Balanced designed allows for easy maneuvering, even under load.
Conforms to AISC, OSHA and CMAA specifications.
Simple bolted construction.
Easy set up and maintenance.
4-steel swivel casters standard.
Height & span adjustability.
Height adjustable down from maximum in 12" increments.
For our optional gantry crane features, please see page H.15.
The all aluminum gantry is perfect for applications where the crane weight is critical.
Model HA90 Aluminum - Fixed Height
Product Features
Lightweight aluminum.
Balanced design allows for easy rolling, even under load.
Conforms to AISC, OSHA and CMAA specifications.
Bolt together construction.
Easy set up and maintenance.
4 poly-coated swivel casters.
For our optional gantry crane features, please see page H.15.
The all aluminum gantry is perfect for applications where the crane weight is critical.
Model KA90 Aluminum - Adjustable Height
Product Features
Lightweight aluminum.
Balanced design allows for easy rolling, even under load.
Conforms to AISC, OSHA and CMAA specifications.
Bolt together construction.
Easy set up and maintenance.
4 poly-coated swivel casters.
Height and span adjustability.
Height adjustable down from maximum in 6" increments.
For our optional gantry crane features, please see page H.15.