Caldwell Ingot and Slab Handling
Caldwell Ingot and Slab Handling
This screw type grab allows for handling of a wide range of ingots. Additional grip force is applied by the wedgeaction of the points when the load is lifted. This unit is designed to grip an ingot in the vertical position and lay itdown to the horizontal position. Grabs are custom designed per application.
Model 272 Motorized Swivel Grab
Product Options
- Powered rotation with or without stops.
- Integral weighing system.
- Maximum open/minimum closed limit switches.
- Swivel rest arms for proper rollover clearance.
- Heavy duty function indicator lights.
- Wedge locks.
- DC power.
- Electrical reversing motor controls.
- High temperature environment capability.
Product Specifications
Product Features
- Acme screw drive for a wide range of ingot widths.
- Bronze drive nuts for long life and smooth operation.
- Wedge action applies grip force.
- Low headroom design.
- Heavy duty worm gear reducer.
- Designed for ease of maintenance.
- Heavy duty drive guards.
- AC power.
This rack and pinion grab is designed to handle a wide range of ingots when in the horizontal position. Grippingforce is applied through the legs by the tong action when an ingot is lifted. This unit is suitable for low headroomoperations. Grabs are custom designed per application.
Model 274 Handling Grab
Product Options
- Powered rotation with or without stops.
- Maximum open/minimum closed limit switches.
- Integral weighing system.
- Heavy duty function indicator lights.
- DC power.
- Electrical reversing motor controls.
- High temperature environment capability.
Product Specifications
Product Features
- Low headroom design.
- Replaceable wear plates.
- Dual rack and pinion drive.
- Grip force developed through tong geometry.
- Includes slip clutch for drive protection.
- Designed for ease of maintenance.
- AC power.
This automatic Ingot/Slab Tong is for use in the primary metals industry. Tongs are designed to your specific requirements to suit the width, length, thickness and maximum weight to be lifted.
Model 270 Ingot/Slab Tong
Product Options
- Landing pads for straight horizontal motion of grip points to handle thinner loads.
- Replaceable urethane facing on rest portion of lower legs to protect load.
- High temperature environment capability.
Product Specifications
Product Features
- Full range automatic adjustment.
- Auto-Latch mechanism to control grip and release action of the tong.
- All pivot points furnished with hardened steel bushing/pins and lubrication fittings.
- Handles a wide range of product lengths, widths, thicknesses and weights.