Caldwell Lifting Beams
Lifting Beams
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Adjustable bail, adjustable spreads, and the option to add top rigging for additional stability, this is a versatile lifting / spreader beam.
Model 16 Adjustable Lifting/Spreader Beam
Product Options
OPTION S - Pair of swivel hooks
OPTION C - Chain top rigging
Cross beams (one or two) specify spread(s), contact Caldwell Applications.
Product Features
Has adjustable lifting points.
Can handle both wide and unbalanced loads.
Low headroom capability.
Shackles included.
Converts to spreader beam with addition of top rigging.
Optional swivel hooks available.
Optional chain top rigging available.
Complies with ASME standards.
Versatile beam has adjustable spreaders and lifting bail standard to allow for handling of a wide range of loads with a single lifting beam. Product can be used with provided shackles or add optional hooks for increased versatilitiy.
Model 17 Adjustable Lifting Beam
Product Options:
Option S - Pair of swivel hooks
Product Features
Bail adjusts horizontally for lifting unbalanced loads.
Provides clearance in low headroom applications.
Spread adjusts in 6” increments along lifting beam.
Shackles included.
Optional swivel hooks available.
Complies with ASME standards.
The Model 18 - Fixed Twin Basket Sling Lifting Beam is the ideal solutions as a dedicated lifting beam when handling loads with lifting slings in a basket hitch. "Bull Horn" style hooks set on top of a lifting beam, helping to reduce the overall headroom required for this type of lifting beam.
Model 18 Fixed Basket Swing
Product Features
Designed to be used with slings in a basket hitch.
Provides greatest clearance in low headroom applications.
Two sets of bent bar hooks are standard on units with a spread of 6’ and greater.
Spread 2 is 1/2 of spread 1.
Hooks are designed to handle up to a 2” sling eye width.
Complies with ASME standards.
The Caldwell Fixed Spread Lifting Beam is a light weight solution for handling load of the same size.
Model 19 Fixed Spread
Product Features
Provides clearance in low headroom applications.
Eye hooks with hook latches standard.
Fixed spread.
Complies with ASME standards.
The low headroom solution with multiple spreads for the flexibility to handle a wider range of load sizes.
Model 20 Low Headroom Multi-Spread
Product Options
OPTION A - Extra Holes or Different Placement of Holes - Allows multiple hook positioning beyond standard 3 spreads. Specify number and spread(s) required.
OPTION B - Faspins - For ease of positioning hooks with quick release. Specify number required.
OPTION C - Extra Hooks - Allows for multiple pick points. Specify number required.
Product Features
Beams over 4’ have 3 spreads. Outside spread, Outside less 1’, Outside less 2’.
3’ & 4’ beams have 2 spreads.
Swivel hooks with hook latches standard.
Standard capacities to 40 tons, larger capacities and configurations available.
Complies with ASME standards.
OPTION D - Pin Type Bail - Lifting pin located between structural channel. (Hoist hook information must be supplied.)
OPTION E - Shackle Lug - Lifting lug with shackle (Headroom may change.)
Our model 20H Low Headroom Multi-Spread Lifting Beams are the ideal solution for handling loads of various sizes.
Model 20H Multi-Spread Beam
Product Options
OPTION A - Extra Holes of Different Placement of Holes - Allows multiple hook positioning beyond standard 3 spreads. Specify number and spread(s) required.
OPTION B - Extra Shackles and Swivel Hooks - Allows for multiple pick points or eliminated the need to move hardware for different size loads.
OPTION C - Built In Stand - Keeps beam upright for easy crane hook attachment.
Product Features
'I' beam construction.
Three spreads to adjust to the load- Outside spread- Middle spread (outside less 1’)- Inside spread (outside less 2’).
Swivel hooks with hook latches standard.
Wide range of sizes and capacities available.
Complies with ASME standards.
Heavy-duty design and construction provide solutions in standard sizes for those demanding large capacity applications.
Model 20H Hight-Capacity
Product Options
Extra Holes or Different Placement of Holes
Product Features
Heavy duty 'I' beam construction.
Built in beam stands for easy storage.
Pin bail to allow for quick attachment of large crane hook.
Beams have three spreads for flexibility.
Lifting shackles are standard.
Complies with ASME standards.
Use with lifting slings for handling loads in a basket hitch. Large hooks help increase ease of use with lifting slings.
Model 22 Heavy Duty Twin Basket Sling
Product Options
Additional or different placement of lifting hooks.
Lifting Slings
Model 22G - For lifting sheets or packages of glass. (Specialized Lifting Slings will be required).
Product Features
Designed to be used with slings in a basket hitch.
Specially designed hooks with hook latches minimize potential sling damage.
Two sets of fixed hooks are standard in all lengths over 4’.
The inner set of hooks (S2) are 1/2 the overall spread.
Extra spreads available upon request.
Complies with ASME standards.
Designed to connect two seperate cranes to create lifing point(s) between the two seperate cranes.
Model 25 Twin Hoist Lifting Beam
Product Options
OPTION A - Off-set hook for hoists of different capacities.
OPTION B - Multiple load hooks, some outside the bail span.
OPTION C - Center bail and extra pair of hooks for maximum versatility.
Product Features
Use two or more hoists to increase lifting stability.
Swivel hook with hook latch.
Several options are available for added versatility.
Complies with ASME standards.